Pensacola Bahia

Pensacola Bahia grass is a durable, low-maintenance warm-season grass ideal for lawns, pastures, and erosion control. It is highly valued for its adaptability to sandy and acidic soils where other grass types struggle to thrive. With a deep and extensive root system, Pensacola Bahia is exceptionally drought-resistant, making it a great choice for areas with limited water availability.

This grass variety establishes quickly and is commonly used in horse pastures, boundary areas, and erosion control applications. It is also used in combination with other grasses on sporting fields, helping to protect seedlings during germination in warm climates.

Pensacola Bahia grass has a medium to fine blade width and a medium green color. It begins growing in early spring and continues vigorously until mid-summer. It tolerates both hot and cold temperatures well, though frost may temporarily damage the top growth. However, it recovers quickly once warmer conditions return.

In addition to being shade-tolerant, Pensacola Bahia develops prolific seed heads during its active growth phase. It is the most widely used Bahia grass variety due to its resilience, hardiness, and ability to withstand high foot traffic.

For homeowners and landscapers in Florida and other warm climates, Pensacola Bahia offers a reliable, attractive, and low-maintenance turf option. With proper care, it remains green throughout the growing season, providing a lush and resilient landscape solution.